
The industry manufacturing space system components (satellites, launchers, etc.) is operating in an increasingly competitive environment. To stay in the race, you need to be more innovative than your competitors while maintaining benchmark standards and ensuring optimal quality and safety for your products.

Are you a business, an authority (national, regional, local) or an organisation (national or international) for which space data holds huge potential whether for crisis, flood or transport management or land and forest monitoring?

At LIST, we pool our skills, our know-how and our cutting-edge infrastructure to:

We are located in Luxembourg, an emmerging European hub for companies in the space industry, and whose Government has recently launched an ambitious and unprecedented initiative regarding space mining.

We work with a whole series of national and international companies and organisations, the most prestigious among them being NASA. ESA, SES, ITS, Airbus Defence and Space, CNES, HITEC Luxembourg, LuxSpace, Cybercultus, Geoville, Convis, Terrasphere, Aerovision BV, Aurea Imaging, TELOPS-Canadian, Thales Alenia Space, count among our other partners in the field.

We are also members of the Luxembourg Space Cluster. Together with LIST, let's make our way to the stars.


Prof. Dr Lucien HOFFMANN
Prof. Dr Lucien HOFFMANN

Director of Environmental Research and Innovation department

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