MicrobialSensors4Water webinar


Following the successful technical day in December 2023, we are delighted to invite you to the MicrobialSensors4Water webinar !

This free online event will cover the latest advancements in automated monitoring of microbial water quality for different water types and monitoring contexts including:

  • Drinking water supplies (surface, groundwater), treatment, and distribution;
  • Recreational waters
  • A variety of technologies (flow cytometry, enzymatics, ATPmetry, etc.);
  • Current implementation challenges related to analytical aspects, data handling and interpretation as well as institutional/regulatory barriers.

In addition, we will present our newly created community of practice (CoP) and how it can help you in your work on microbial sensors!



14:00 Welcoming and latest news on CoP

Session 1 – Recent case studies on microbial sensors for water

14:15: Instantaneous detection of faecally contaminated drinking water with in-situ fluorescence spectroscopy. James Sorensen, British Geological Survey, UK.

14:35: Near-real-time flow cytometry for operational microbiological monitoring of alpine karst drinking water resources. Alexander Kirschner, Medical University Vienna, AT.

14:55: HPC22 as alternative during repairs in distribution systems. Nikki van Bel, KWR, NL.

15:15: Flow cytometric fingerprinting as a tool to evaluate and predict water quality changes in practice . Fien Waegenaar, Gent University, BE.

15:35: Break

Session 2 – Flash presentations from companies

15:50: Online microbial monitoring from research to practice. Jorien Favere, Orb, UK

16:00: Enzymatic measurement of microbial water quality for quality control in the food and beverage industry. Wolfgang Vogl, VWMS, AT

16:10: Automated flow cytometry in water reuse systems. Silvan Kaufmann, bNovate, CH

16:20: Monitoring of E. coli activity for effective warning systems in urban recreational waters. Joep Appels, microLAN, NL

16:30: Comparison of two alternative methods for total flora enumeration in a water treatment plant: real-time water train monitoring with ATP measurements and Solid Phase Cytometry (SPC). Sophie Haenn, RedBerry, FR

16:40: Q&A session

17:00: End

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MicrobialSensors4Water webinar


Practical Infos

Date: Wednesday 12 February 2025

Schedule: 14h00 – 17h00 CET

Format: Online conference

Language: english

Registration fees: Resgistration is free but mandatory


 Jean-Baptiste BURNET
Jean-Baptiste BURNET
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