In this section, discover the main ongoing research projects at the “Environmental Research and Innovation” (ERIN) department of LIST and see the past projects.
Investigating the acquisition dynamics of apple proliferation phytoplasma by the different geographic lineages of its vector Cacopsylla melanoneura under current and future climate [...]
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Assessment of the added value of the Copernicus CAMS air quality products for Luxembourg within the framework of the National Collaboration Programme (NCP)
Design, implement and validate a BIM-based approach to build or renovate multi-family residential buildings in an energy-positive way.
Creating a non-lethal monitoring solution using multi-perspective bulk images of live insects, enabling more accurate classification with deep learning, and serving a wide range of [...]
Testing potential viticultural adaptation measures to mitigate the effects of the increasingly long-lasting drought periods on yield, wine quality and typicity.
Advanced sustainability assessment of the circular economy applied to construction PVC, focusing on integrated labour effects
Science meets professional practice in agriculture
PhD project on drought and heat damage to trees, part of the "Forest function under stress" doctoral training unit (FORFUS)
PhD project on stream carbon export from forested catchments, part of the "Forest function under stress" doctoral training unit (FORFUS)
Doctoral training unit on the effects of multiple stressors on forest function
Establishing chemical traceability for a circular economy by enabling the digital product passport.
Health, adaptation and resilience of forests in the context of climate change: impact of drought intensification on the sustainability of the city of Luxembourg forest ecosystems.