An angular normalization method for temperature vegetation dryness index (TVDI) in monitoring agricultural drought


Bian Z., Roujean J.L., Fan T., Dong Y., Hu T., Cao B., Li H., Du Y., Xiao Q., Liu Q.


Remote Sensing of Environment, vol. 284, art. no. 113330, 2023


Characterizing drought is mandatory for a thorough monitoring of crop growth. Such information can be inferred from radiometric measurements in optical and thermal spectral ranges. The Temperature Vegetation Dryness Index (TVDI) presents the advantage to mix spectral information since it associates land surface temperature (LST) with normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI). NDVI is known to be weakly impact by directional effects, which is not the case of TVDI as the accuracy assessment of LST can be severely hampered directional anisotropy (DA). In this paper, DA feature of TVDI is analyzed using the kernel-driven model Vinnikov-Li (VinLi) that serves to perform through simulations and remove DA. The study uses both airborne and satellite datasets. TVDI was found to be angularly dependent, with a possible uncertainty larger than 15%. Compared against TVDI without angular correction, the normalized results displayed a better correlation with soil moisture content, and the root mean squared error (RMSE) of estimated soil moisture content decreased obviously, from 0.050 m3/m3 to 0.045 m3/m3 for airborne data over maize canopies, from approximately 0.036 m3/m3 to 0.030 m3/m3 for satellite data over cropland canopies, and from approximately 0.032 m3/m3 to 0.028 m3/m3 for satellite data over grassland canopies. The evaluation was carried out using the complied synthetic datasets based on the Soil Canopy Observation, Photochemistry and Energy Fluxes (SCOPE) model. These also confirmed the occurrence of significant DAs of TVDIs and good performance of VinLi in reducing DA of TVDI by >50%. Based on the VinLi method, an angular-independent TVDI appears necessary to reduce uncertainties originated from illuminating and viewing geometries for the purpose of agriculture monitoring with possible drought episodes. Although further evaluation is still needed using surface measurements, the outcomes support a confident use of TVDI for observations from satellite and airborne/unmanned aerial vehicle.



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