Operation of a pilot-scale lipid accumulation technology employing parameters to select Microthrix parvicella for biodiesel production from wastewater


Muniz Sacco F.C., Frkova Z., Venditti S., Pastore C., Guignard C., Hansen J.


Bioresource Technology, vol. 369, art. no. 128498, 2023


Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) may play a crucial role in shifting to a zero-emission future by becoming more sustainable and contributing to the circular economy (CE). Recovered lipids from urban sewage can serve as a raw material for biofuel production contributing to a waste reduction, mitigation of natural resources depletion and reinforcing security and energy independence. A novel, pilot-scale lipid accumulation technology (LAT) employing parameters to select M. parvicella for the biofuel/biodiesel production was implemented on a side stream of an urban WWTP. The LAT proved its concept as the average amount of extracted lipids accumulated in the bioreactors was three-fold higher when compared to the lipids existing in activated sludge. The average transesterification of extracted lipids to biodiesel resulted in a 1.6 % yield, meaning that from 1 kg of dried sludge, 16 g of biodiesel could be formed. The biodiesel produced complies with European standard specifications (EN14214).



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