Taxonomy and ecology of Achnanthidium (Bacillariophyta, Achnanthidiaceae) from southeastern Brazil with the description of six new species


Costa L.F., Wetzel C.E., Maquardt G.C., Zanon J.E., Ector L., Bicudo D.C.


Phytotaxa, vol. 575, n° 3, pp. 187-223, 2022


The present study aims to expand the knowledge on Achnanthidium species occurring in tropical areas of southern Brazil. For this purpose, 345 samples from 179 sampling sites distributed throughout the state of São Paulo were analyzed for ‘monoraphid’ diatom diversity. This paper focuses on samples with a high abundance of Achnanthidium species. The permanent slides and stubs were observed using light and scanning electron microscopy. Morphometric analysis was performed to discriminate between similar species through the Elliptical Fourier Descriptors analysis. For this, valve outlines from Brazilian species were compared to those from type material available from the literature. The ecological optimum and tolerance was calculated for taxa that presented more than 10 % of occurrence per habitat. In total, 12 Achnanthidium species were observed. Six are described as new: Achnanthidium acutum sp. nov., A. brasiliense sp. nov., A. parvicapitatum sp. nov., A. paulistanum sp. nov., A. ritae sp. nov. and A. vandevijveri sp. nov. The morphometric analysis supported the differentiation between some taxa. Nine species, with occurrences of at least 10 % per habitat, had their ecological optimum and tolerance calculated. In general, these species prefer slightly acidic to neutral pH, medium electrolyte cond. and mesotrophic water conditions.



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