Waste heat-to-power with steam and organic Rankine cycles: Potentials and feed-in tariffs in the EU27+UK


Bertrand A., Menacho Á.J.H., Badillo B.L.


Energy Reports, 2022


Industrial waste heat potential has been recurrently quantified in multiple publications. However, actual valorisation opportunities still need to be better assessed. This work focuses on waste heat-to-power potential in the EU27+UK. In a first step, the impact of waste heat-to-power deployment is quantified per country and major industrial sectors. It is demonstrated that 13’089 GWh/y of electricity, savings of 4’440 ktons/y of CO2, investments of 7’673 M€, revenues of 1’688 M€/y and 11’256 jobs would be generated in case industrial waste heat was solely used to produce electricity. In a second step, a major barrier – the lack of specific feed-in tariffs – is addressed. Based on real projects data, the necessary feed-in tariffs are determined and compared with renewable electricity prices of several EU countries. It is demonstrated that heat-to-power solutions would require similar levels of tariffs like solar and biomass. With tariffs ranging from 95–113 €/MWh, steam cycles present the lowest tariffs requirements, while large ORCs require tariffs between 132 and 172 €/MWh. With these results, this work highlights the relevance of waste heat valorisation and a major economic barrier for electricity production in the EU 27 + UK.



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