Despite the large reuse potential of Open Data, and high expectations in terms of social and economic impacts, there are still few evidence of such uptake.
As there is a lack of alignment between the different components of the open data ecosystem, the Luxembourg Open Data working group aims to be a platform strengthening relationships between open data providers and open data reusers to stimulate the provision of open data based products and services
1st workshop on Open Data reuse: addressing mobility and transport issues in Luxembourg
This first workshop organised by the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), in collaboration with, Digital Luxembourg, Technoport and Luxinnovation, with the support of the Interreg NWE project BE-GOOD, intends to bring together the actors of the mobility ecosystem in Luxembourg and engage exchanges to identify:
In order to stimulate discussions, two feedbacks from the INTERREG NWE BE-GOOD project will be presented:
9-00/9.30 Registration
9.30/9.40 Welcome Introducing the concept, and BE-GOOD
Francis Kaell, Rijkswaterstaat (NL)
9.40/10.05 Be-GOOD Challenge: Continuity of traffic
Nextérité (SME) Loiret / Orléans (FR)
10.05/10.20 Be-GOOD
Loiret / Orléans (FR)
10.20/10.30 Short Break
10.30/12.00 Round Table: transposition in Luxembourg (facilitator: LIST)
Public sector stakeholders
Private sector stakeholders
Organised by:
Date: Friday 25 January 2019
Hours: 9.30am to 12.00pm
Langage: English
Location: Technoport (2ème étage)
9 Avenue des Hauts-Fourneaux, 4362 Esch-sur-Alzette