Building Information Modelling at LIST: welcome to 4DCollab project

Published on 13/02/2017

On 08 February 2017, the 4DCollab project (Usage and interaction of synchronous 4D simulation for collaborative decision support in Architecture, Engineering and Construction) held its kickoff meeting at the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) - Belval.

4Dcollab is a research project co-funded by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR - FR) and the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR - LU) that addresses collaborative 4D/Building Information Modelling (BIM) usages through a prospective ergonomics approach. It aims at defining innovative collaborative construction work practices, enabling multi-disciplinary decision-making through novel interaction techniques with 4D/BIM models.

The project team will focus its work on emergent practices related to collaboration enhanced with 4D models (3D+Time), new natural interactions techniques based on a prospective ergonomics approach. The kickoff was a great opportunity for all project partners to meet and discuss on the planning and tasks. Moreover LIST introduced the "Smart Construction Planner" demonstrator to the 4DCollab partners - a technology that allows to overcome the challenge of the industrialisation of construction, and provide a collaborative working environment for construction planning.

LIST is very active in the field of construction and especially in BIM activities. In this way, the institute keeps working closely with its partners on challenging and innovative research projects, with the objective of contributing to the development and adoption of BIM while focusing on several concerns like optimisation of collaboration processes or energy efficiency of buildings and districts. On this second topic, a new H2020 project has recently been accepted: BIMEET. This coordination and support action addresses BIM-based European-wide Standardized Qualification Framework for achieving Energy Efficiency Training. BIMEET relies on BIM4VET project that was aimed at devising a European skills matrix for BIM actors, as well as a method for assessing the maturity of BIM skills. 


> For more information on 4DCollab, we invite you to visit the dedicated project page on and the project website

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Dr Arch. Sylvain KUBICKI
Dr Arch. Sylvain KUBICKI
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