Discover a selection of activities developed by the Luxembourg Institute of Science & Technology (LIST) for the healthcare sector from April 22 to 24, 2015, at Med-e-Tel, The International eHealth, Telemedicine and Health ICT Forum For Education, Networking and Business,
LIST researchers will present the GECAMed eSanté and eSens research projects, respectively dedicated to the integration of the GECAMed medical office management software into the national "eHealth platform" and to the simplification of the public sector's cross-border electronic exchanges, in particular the access to the medical records of a patient while they are on holiday abroad.
In parallel, two researchers will take part in the sessions entitled "Lessons Learned from National Telemedicine and eHealth Initiatives" and "eHealth: Ethical/Legal Issues, Standards, Security, User Requirements."
>> For more information on LIST's participation in Med-e-Tel 2015, please visit the event page