LIST a strong player in Luxembourg’s Horizon2020 success with six projects accepted

Published on 17/04/2015

On April 9th, 2015, Marc Hansen, Secretary of State for Higher Education and Research, announced the high success rate of Luxembourgish project proposals in the European Commission’s Horizon2020 programme, the biggest ever EU Research and Innovation funding scheme. Running from 2014 to 2020, it offers nearly €80 billion of funding to support new breakthroughs in research and innovation.

A total of 19.7% of the 340 projects submitted by Luxembourgish organisations have been accepted since the programme began last year, giving Luxembourg the second-highest success rate among EU countries. Just behind Latvia’s 20.4% success rate and ahead of France, Germany and Belgium, Mr. Hansen noted that Luxembourg’s strong performance comes as a result of its quality research.

The 67 selected projects are being carried out by 31 different organisations, with the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) receiving the second-highest amount of funding among them, with €2.4 million for its six projects, and another 24 proposals still awaiting a decision. The accepted projects cover a range of topics across all three Horizon2020 programmes: Excellent Science, Industrial Leadership and Societal Challenges.

Excellent Science

LIST’s three projects in Excellent Science all fall under the Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions programme, which aims to support individuals in research and innovation in developing new knowledge and skills by providing cross-border and cross-sector mobility through three schemes including Innovative Training Networks and Individual Fellowships. This programme allows LIST to attract and develop talented researchers and innovation specialists.

Individual Fellowship:

GETUI: Gestures in Tangible User Interfaces

GETUI aims to investigate the use of gestures in interactions with Tangible User Interfaces (TUIs) in the context of technology-based assessment of collaborative and complex problem solving skills, both new areas of research. This interdisciplinary project will help to fill gaps in scientific knowledge and result in the creation of new tools for assessing key skills in collaborative situations.

Contact: Eric Ras, IT for Innovative Services department

Innovative Training Networks:

FULLCOMP: Fully Integrated Analysis, Design, Manufacturing and Health-Monitoring of Composite Structures

FULLCOMP aims to create a multidisciplinary, intersectoral and international research training network to enhance the skills and employability of a new generation of young researchers in the composite materials sector. Project partners include seven universities, one research centre and one industrial company to ensure a strong academic basis and industrial training opportunities.

Contact: Gaetano Giunta, Materials Research and Technology department

EJD FUNMAT: European Joint Doctorate in Functional Materials Research
This European Joint Doctoral programme in the field of functional materials research includes 15 PhD projects grouped into six thematic clusters, with each having several academic and industrial partners. This innovative concept allows PhD candidates to have interdisciplinary training through interaction with industry and to form a critical mass with the potential to achieve breakthrough research and innovation.

Contact: Jens Kreisel, Materials Research and Technology department

Industrial Leadership

LIST has one ongoing project in this programme, which focuses on the development of technologies and innovations to enable competitive SMEs in Europe.

Leadership in Enabling and Industrial Technologies:

MATCH: The “Alliance for Materials” way to the creation of the MATerials Common House This project aims to reinforce the concept of an inclusive European network of players in materials launched by the Alliance for Materials (A4M). It will result in a single reference network where any organisation interested in materials research in Europe can obtain information, guidance and contacts.

Contact: Jean Di Martino, Materials Research and Technology department

Societal Challenges

LIST is launching one project in this programme, which addresses social concerns and EU policy objectives in areas such as health, climate change, environmental issues, energy and transport.

Smart, green and integrated transport:

SUCCESS: Sustainable Urban Consolidation CentrES for conStruction

This project aims to address the need for consolidation in the construction supply chain with a focus on the new concept of Construction Consolidation Centres. It will analyse current issues, propose several optimisation scenarios and analyse the costs and environmental impacts to propose new partnership opportunities based on savings distribution.

Contact: David Evaristo, IT for Innovative Services department


In addition, a project has been accepted within the Industrial Leadership: Innovation in SMEs programme that will be carried out by the Technology Watch Centre department (Centre de Veille Technologique – CVT), which will soon become part of the new GIE Institut de la Propriété Intellectuelle - IPIL.

The European IPR Helpdesk

The European IPR Helpdesk works at EU level to support SME and research activities in areas related to Intellectual Property (IP) rights. Its main goal is to support IP capacity building along the full scale of IP practices, with a focus on SMEs, participants in EU-funded projects and EU innovation stakeholders for increased diffusion of IP into the EU innovation ecosystem.
Contact: Serge Quazzotti, Institut de la Propriété Intellectuelle

LIST’s success in Horizon2020 demonstrates the quality of work carried out by its researchers and will contribute to increasing its international visibility, collaboration with industry, and achievement of EU funding objectives set out in the Performance Contract with the government.

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