LIST: bringing expertise to companies for their certification strategies

Published on 02/12/2016

The subject of Electronic Records Management (ERM) has been in full expansion in Luxembourg for the last two years, after the publication of the technical regulation requirements for the certification of the Dematerialisation or Archiving Services Providers (PSDC) for companies and also thanks to the new law being adopted on electronic archiving and dematerialisation. In this context, the demand for Integrated Management Systems (IMS) to be used as a central repository for reference documents for implementation, audit and certification against regulations, standards and best practices, has raised.

At the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), a team of researchers have been developing skills in the fields of ERM, information security and risk, IT process assessment and IMS for several years. By bringing together these different skills, the institute has developed a range of tools related to secure electronic archiving and IMS. This paves the way for new cooperation and partnerships with the objective to offer LIST researchers’ competencies to the benefit of companies by helping them manage their digital record storage and archiving systems, as well as to meet all the compliance requirements.

Challenges of Integrated Management Systems for Certifications

Precise knowledge of a system's strengths and weaknesses allows to identify potential improvements which leads to better management of records and archives. This also allows companies who aim to obtain PSDC certification to efficiently structure the actions that need to be implemented.

In this framework, LIST recently had the opportunity to collaborate and innovate with Labgroup - the document and data management company located in Luxembourg – that works on its certification strategy together with the certification body PECB Europe. List designed a set of processes to target different standards and related certifications and developed further tools, facilitating the compliance with different regulations. The objectives were twofold:

  • To design an integrated set of processes allowing Labgroup and other companies to target different certifications through one single management system;
  • To develop the tool dedicated to risk management in order to satisfy all requirements related risk management.

Currently, the institute has launched a comprehensive risk management processes and tool for both operational and information security risks and continues to work on complementary assets integrated into a national “RegTech” platform that is used by regulators and regulated companies. The next step for Labgroup will be PSDC certification at the end of 2016. As mentioned by Sébastien Pineau, Lead Partnership Officer at LIST: “The experience with Labgroup was an excellent usecase and also demonstrator because that showed that through collaborations with PECB, Labgroup and LIST, we can integrate different regulations at the level of the company but the next step will be to integrate the regulators and the regulations to contribute to the Luxembourgish Trusted Hub.”

Interview of LIST, Labgroup and PECB: discover the video

About the ” Challenges of Integrated Management Systems Certifications – Overview on the current challenges faced by organisations“ with Pierre Dewez, CEO PECB Europe, Bernard Moreau, CEO Labgroup and Sébastien Pineau, Lead Partnership Officer, LIST.

Integrated Management System – LIST-PECB-LABGROUP from Labgroup Marketing on Vimeo.


> To go further, we invite you to read the article published by Labgroup on 26 October 2016: “Integrated Management System – Overview on the current challenges organisations are facing in respect of compliance and audit “

Photo credit: Labgroup

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 Sébastien PINEAU
Sébastien PINEAU

Department: IT for Innovative Services (ITIS)

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