On May 22, 2015, the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) will co-host the first annual Information Security Education Day with the University of Luxembourg. Sponsored by the Club de la sécurité de l’information Luxembourg (CLUSIL) and the Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT) and taking place at the university’s Kirchberg campus, the event aims to share new knowledge on key topics in security and privacy.
Primarily targeting current and former students in the Master in Information Systems Security Management (MSSI), the event is also an opportunity for academics and practitioners to learn about the latest topics and discuss their experiences.
Speakers from a number of major organisations will cover a range of topics, and involve two LIST collaborators. Thierry Grandjean will present the results of his MSSI thesis “Data confidentiality of a research project in a research center in Luxembourg. Legal, contractual relationships, associated risks and proposal for improvement,” while Nicolas Mayer will moderate the conference.
>>View the complete programme on the event page