The Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), as a partner of the “Building an Ecosystem to Generate Opportunities for Open Data” (BE-GOOD) Interreg North-West Europe project, is committed to contributing to the stimulation of the Luxembourg open data ecosystem and to facilitating the transnational uptake of solutions developed in BE-GOOD. From this perspective, LIST has recently launched a series of workshops “Open Data seeking reusers” aiming to be a platform strengthening relationships between open data providers and open data reusers, and to stimulate the provision of open data based products and services in Luxembourg.
On 25 January 2019, LIST has organised at Technoport premises the first workshop of a series “Open data seekeing reusers”, in partnership with Digital Luxembourg,, Luxinnovation and Technoport.
This workshop brought together forty participants, from private, public and research sectors. The invited speakers Raymond Feron (Rijkswaterstaat – NL), Vanda Turczi (Orléans Métropole – FR), Edith Nuss (Nextérité – FR) and Marina Alleti (Département du Loiret – FR) shared their experience about the ongoing BE-GOOD challenges ‘Continuity & traffic’ (Management of road networks in case of major crisis) and ‘Safer road’ (predictive model for road accidents and safety, correlation link between material accidents and personal injuries) they are running on with their local stakeholders and peers. They shared with the audience their working processes and the issues faced in their countries and various questions about Luxembourg were raised. Presentations led to inspiring discussions including the use and re-use of Open Data for mobility and transport issues in Luxembourg and the possibilities of transposition of the BE-GOOD use cases previously presented in Luxembourg.
The availability, re-usability and needs of open mobility data in Luxembourg, as well as crowdsourcing have been approached based on specific examples and practical solutions that are already implemented in the project partners’ countries. Concretely, solutions like the use of a centralized incident management tool with the aim to contribute to reduce road traffic and accidents have been mentioned. The importance of real time data has also been addressed. A look back at the workshop - pictures selection.
BE-GOOD aims at unlocking, re-using and extracting value from Public Sector Information (PSI) to develop innovative data-driven services in the area of infrastructure & environment.
Launched for a duration of four years in 2016, BE-GOOD is managed by European partners following an approach based on ‘Challenges’ as it was presented during the 25th January workshop. Challenges are defined by civil servants, who are already producing and using public data. Before being outsourced to the market, challenges’ ideas are ranked against several criteria to assess their relevance. Working on these challenges, the project partners could already provide feedbacks as it was presented during the workshop. For more information about BE-GOOD project , read the related news “Open Data for a smarter society” or visit the project page.
Other workshops will be organised and will be shared in LIST’s agenda. Feel free to share all your suggestions with Slim Turki and Prune Gautier via email.