The daily work of an RTO #5: Next generation of satellites

Published on 31/10/2018

The Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) has published its new corporate video presentation providing its viewers with a closer look at the daily work of an RTO. In four and a half minutes, L.A.I.L.A (LIST’s Artificial Intelligence Learning Avatar) pin-points several innovative technologies or solutions developed at LIST, starting its journey at street-level before gaining height towards the stars.

LIST launches a series of short news, each representing a part of the new corporate video to be found on LIST video channel. The fifth issue of “The daily work of an RTO” series is focused on the next generation of satellites.

L.A.I.L.A explains:

“Up in the sky, the next generation of satellites twinkle like little stars and geostationary orbit. Taking a closer look, you will see new robotic antennas that deploy automatically after having 3d printed themselves in space. The composite powder that goes into the printing process as a raw material is being developed at LIST.

The satellites themselves are surface treated with a super black coating that keeps all involuntary light away from their hypersensitive sensors, and that coating is being developed at LIST.”

The next issue of this news series will focus on remote sensing technologies. To get more information on what LIST is developing, we invite you to watch the full version of the video: 

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Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)

5, avenue des Hauts-Fourneaux
L-4362 Esch-sur-Alzette

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