The end of the HEEL project: from practical experience to national perspectives

Published on 03/12/2015

The Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) cordially invites you to the final conference of the HEEL (HEalth modELing) research project, co-financed by the FEDER and the Ministry of the Economy via the Smile GIE, on 10 December 2015 at 16:15.

HEEL aims to continue the research activities on information-security risk management that were started more than ten years ago by LIST’s teams in partnership with the Smile GIE. The project's objective is to define a common information management standard for the multiple key players involved in the healthcare sector using an enterprise architecture network approach. As the project coordinator, LIST’s mission is to design a national healthcare reference model (testing labs, emergency, medical imaging) to model information-security risks in the sector. The customized risk-analysis method designed raises awareness about information security and risk analysis among the relevant key players.

In this context, the event, targeted at those working in the healthcare sector, will provide the opportunity to present the results of the project based on practical experience and then, develop the issue at a more global scale regarding future national perspectives. The closing conference will take place in the administrative building of the Fonds de Belval in Esch-sur-Alzette. The event will be held in French and is free but registration is mandatory: find all information in our online agenda

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 Sébastien PINEAU
Sébastien PINEAU

Department: IT for Innovative Services (ITIS)

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