On 5-6 March 2019, the 10th International Symposium was held entitled "The emergence of the Smart City: stakes, challenges, practices and impacts for public governance" at the Belval Innovation Campus (Luxembourg), followed by the ADIMAP workshop on March 7th.
As explained by LIST long-term partner Bachir Mazouz, president and founder of the International Symposium : "The event aimed to promote a culture of discussion and debate between French-speaking public leaders and public and university affairs consultants. These discussions led to the formulation of new knowledge that can be actioned based on the impact of administrative reforms. This particularly concerns values, organisational structures, official management frameworks and public action tools."
This year’s event focused on the theme "Perspectives on the transformation of management and public organisations". More than 200 participants took part in the two-days conference that started with the welcome speech of LISER and LIST CEOS, respectively Prof. Aline Muller and Thomas Kallstenius. Upon his arrival to Belval by train, the Luxembourg Energy Minister Claude Turmes also gave to the general assembly a welcome speech, highlighting the Government's priority for electric mobility. The key takeaway during the two day event was the more than 85 presentations of notable worldwide and European influencers in the domain of Smart cities and public governance. These took form in round tables, pitches, thematic workshops and poster sessions. To get an overview of the main topics that were covered, the organisation team invites you to watch the video of the event available in this news article.
Discover the selection of pictures available at photogallery.list.lu and watch the post-event video on LIST’s video channel.
Presentations are also available in the post-conference section at symposium-managementpublic.com.
Two Luxembourgish scientific institutions have joined forces for the event: the Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER) and the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST). The organising team was supported by the University of Quebec, Ecole Nationale d’Administration Publique (ENAP), Chaire Gutenber 2009 (ENA-Strasbourg), LuxReal, Post Luxembourg together with Sofware AG, Agora, Besix Red, PWC, Quamvest, Paperjam, Digital Luxembourg and Lëtzebuerger Gemengen.
Save the date - The International Symposium 2020 will be held in Rabat (Morocco). For any questions regarding the 2019 session, please contact Djamel Khadraoui via email.