Active aGeing And Personalised service's Ecosystem

Past project


The population of Europe has undergone a fundamental change in its age structure, with people living longer than ever before. Higher life expectancy and consistently lower birth rates has meant that our population is becoming steadily older, with over half the EU’s population predicted to be over-65 by 2070. Quality of life related challenges need to be addressed now to ensure that human beings can continue to live healthy, active and independent lives into their old age.


The European AAL funded AGAPE project is an Active aGeing And Personalised service's Ecosystem and is built upon a multiple and complementary expertise of Italian, Luxemburg, Romanian, Slovenian, Dutch and Portuguese partners. This innovative project has the ambition to deploy advanced healthy ageing services ecosystem by enhancing existing local services through innovative components, specific education programmes, coaching sessions and innovation management services, all of them composed in an integrated approach for Active and Healthy Aging (AHA).

LIST researchers will lead the project’s technology deployment and thus actively contribute to providing smart user interfaces and carers/manager dashboards with selected KPIs to supervise AHA services and obtain evidence of innovation adoption figures. The Agape Multicomponent Service Plan will enable the implementation of a person-centred goal with an iterative dynamic coaching and service composition through a multi-stakeholder service orchestration designed to improve inclusion, equity and universal access to the services from older adults. Such a solution will be addressed through an impact by design approach engaging in a co-creation strategy ageing people, carers and care organisation managers.


With a business model based on a B2B2C scheme, Agape approach will benefit from the strong engagement and connection with the third sector care providers. The project’s comparative advantage will lie in using the necessary emerging technologies and deploying  an integrated solution aiming to reduce the effects of the digital divide and to smooth the resistance to change in order to spread the innovation adoption among all the end user categories.

As such, Agape will not only integrate mature solutions in a novel platform able to orchestrate different services and information levels but also have effect on various service models. As a result, the project will improve Quality of Life for primary and secondary end-users.


Research domains
  • IT

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