Assessment and Validation of EXCOGITEA®, an Architecture Discipline and Model for Enterprise's Optimization and Decision Making
Palffy V., Feltus C.
Proceedings - 2022 2nd International Conference on Advanced Enterprise Information System, AEIS 2022, pp. 36-44, 2022
EXCOGITEA® is based on professional Architecture, to know an existing discipline/profession (Building Architecture). The claim of EXCOGITEA® is to use this existing discipline and apply it to an organization. The aim is not to deny current practice but to revisit it through a professional lens. EXCOGITEA® AME (Architecture Model for Enterprise). It is a proposal, an exploitable example. It is not an Enterprise model but an Architecture model. The AME is characterized by the conceptualization of a shaped environment, which allows the heterogeneity and dynamics of an Enterprise to be addressed. EXCOGITEA® AME includes a taxonomy, nesting and correlation of the enterprise's constituents at a generic level. It provides (1) coherent scopes to address any further views "of"and "within"the enterprise, (2) the required flows scheme so that the Enterprise can continuously change while executing its purpose, and (3) the reference context for further detailed "enterprise modelling", which guarantees alignments.