Simplified Enterprise Modelling Platform Architecture


Mulder M.A.T., Proper H.A., Bodnar F., Mulder R.


CEUR Workshop Proceedings, vol. 3327, pp. 16-30, 2022


In the context of enterprise engineering and architecting, there is a need to capture many different aspects and perspectives of an enterprise in terms of models. The resulting enterprise models are typically expressed in different modelling languages. At the same time, since these models pertain to the same enterprise, it is desirable to ensure that they (potentially) form a coherent whole. Capturing such collections of enterprise models involving different modelling languages while ensuring their coherence is a major challenge for modelling tools. Practice in the last years shows that the demand for collaborative modelling with flexible notations that could run online and across different platforms has risen. They also wanted to be able to use it in an international language setting, capturing all needed perspectives of the business. In this paper, we report on the architecture of a novel enterprise modelling platform which endeavours to meet these challenges. This architecture involves a multi-meta model approach, supporting different notations, models, and the inclusion of actual sample instances to enable validation. The resulting modelling platform supports concepts such as multi-perspective modelling, verification by instantiation and narrative analysis.

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