The blockchain-based digital certificate for the transport of dangerous goods


Imeri A., Feltus C., Agoulmine N., Khadraoui D.


Blockchain Driven Supply Chains and Enterprise Information Systems, pp. 43-61, 2022


The transport of dangerous goods consists of the carriage of goods presenting potential risks to the people, living organisms, the environment, and materials (public or private property) and therefore necessitates dedicated and specially reinforced security measures. According to global statistics, dangerous goods may constitute about fifty percent of global transportation in the following years, whether by road, railway, air, or seas. Compared to traditional transportation e.g., general supply chains, the TDG is a particular class of transportation that is subject to specific requirements among which the human and environmental safety. It also incorporates rigorous information immutability and the traceability of the DG movement [2], as indicated in the "Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road" [3] applicable since 1 January 2021. In this context, this chapter aims to propose a platform to support the verification of the stakeholders' identity, the history of transportation, including environmental data, and the location overtime of the dangerous good employing the blockchain-based digital certificate. Using blockchain technology (jointly use) of two concepts/technologies such as blockchain and digital certificate has for purpose to ensure transaction transparency, easy access to the transportation information, less paperwork, and strong stakeholder identification. Finally, besides proposing a blockchain-based digital certificate for the TDG, our approach also analyzes the extent to which the blockchain may be specified to integrate and be compatible with the Internet of Things (IoT) technology and specifications.



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