Traceability and modeling of requirements in enterprise architecture from a design rationale perspective
G. Plataniotis, Q. Ma, E. Proper, and S. de Kinderen
in IEEE RCIS 2015 9th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science, May 13-15 2015, Athens, Greece, C. Rolland, D. Anagnostopoulos, P. Loucopoulos, and C. Gonzalez-Perez (Eds.), pp. 518-519, 2015
Our work aims to rationalize Enterprise Architectures (EA) by providing the reasoning behind the designs, in terms of selection criteria, design alternatives and more. Its major contribution is a formal metamodel that captures the reasoning and the inter-relationships of design decisions. This paper extends our approach in order to provide an explicit bridging between the Problem space that is defined by the different requirements and the Solution space that is described by specific design decisions. In doing so, EA Anamnesis also supports traceability from specific design decisions to the given requirements.