Over the summer, the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) is publishing a series of bite-sized highlights from “New Horizons”, the Institute’s Annual Report 2017.
At LIST, we are committed to a long-term partnership with the manufacturer Goodyear. Together, we want to develop the next generation of tyres, putting environmentally friendly materials, performance and production at the heart of the process. As part of this agreement, we have welcomed around 30 doctoral and post-doctoral researchers to LIST and Goodyear. Thanks to their activities focusing on new mechanistic knowledge, new materials concepts and the scalability of concepts and new processes dedicated to production, these young researchers are fully committed to the aim of the project, which is to set new international norms by optimizing the materials used in tyres.
The range of the work carried out by our researchers and young talents participating in this large-scale project has a non-negligible international influence. The results obtained will have an impact beyond our national borders and the Luxembourgish entity of Goodyear, Goodyear Dunlop Tires Operations SA, based in Colmar-Berg, which is actively participating in the project. The results we will obtain in the coming years will benefit more broadly the American tyre manufacturer, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, whose headquarters are in Ohio in the United States.
> This article originally featured in the “Train the next generation of world-renowned researchers” section of the report.
> The Institute invites you to read the report in full online.
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