A fresh wind is blowing through LIST

Published on 28/10/2019

After a break of more than four years, cryogenic traction tests are once again in operation at LIST, at our laboratories in Foetz. These tests make it possible to investigate the strength of materials in extremely cold environments.

Tests tailored to a specific product

The products tested are concrete frameworks used for the construction of liquid gas reservoirs. In order to guarantee that the structure is secure, its steel constituent parts are tested at extreme temperatures as low as -170°C. The test methods used and the prototypes designed make it possible to inspect the sample at the desired temperature for the entire duration of the test and across the full length of the product.

The result of a long-term collaboration with an historic partner

The development of this test is the result of an initiative by ArcelorMittal Rodange (ARES). This initiative was enhanced in 1998 through a collaboration with LIST, which took charge of conducting the tests. In 2015, LIST’s materials department had to relocate its test laboratories. For a relocation of this kind, it was necessary to find infrastructures that met the needs of the laboratories and to acquire certain equipment. In the meantime, LIST continued to conduct these tests, thanks to its collaboration with a partner laboratory in France. This also enabled LIST to maintain its know-how and expertise. Despite the relocation of the production site in Warsaw, ArcelorMittal still has complete confidence in LIST and will continue to work with the latter.

A reference laboratory for the whole world

LIST does not merely provide an historic partner with its know-how. It also demonstrates the technological excellence of the Grand Duchy around the world, by offering its services to companies from very diverse backgrounds both near and far: in France, Belgium, Germany, Spain, Italy, the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic, the United States, Canada, China, South Korea, Thailand and even Australia.

The first programme at the Foetz laboratories was carried out successfully at the beginning of July 2019, and there is already a long queue for the next few months.

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