The end of November 2018 was in a way dedicated to PhDs. Two events celebrating doctoral training in Luxembourg have been held at the Belval innovation campus, LIST PhD Day 2018 followed by the national PhD Welcome Day.
Incorporating PhD candidates is a strategic focus that enables the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), as well as other hosting institutions, not only to maintain strong ties to academia, but also to work on cutting-edge topics with a view towards scientific publishing. LIST PhD candidates are directly involved in the activities of the Institute’s research projects and can benefit from a multi-disciplinary and –cultural environment. It also goes beyond LIST’s ecosystem; they can benefit from the initiatives that are managed at the national level.
The third annual LIST PhD Day took place on 15 November at the Fonds Belval building in Belval gathering more than 100 participants. The purpose of the day was to hear from guest speakers, be introduced to the work of other doctoral candidates, and to attend academic and professional development workshops. As CEO Fernand Reinig pointed out in his introduction: “The LIST PhD Day has become something of an institution at LIST, developing in parallel to a growing and vibrant doctoral student community”.
During the day, LIST PhD candidates had the chance to hear from keynote speakers in the academic and industrial world of science. In parallel, the organizing committee has planned poster and demo sessions and PhD presentations by LIST doctoral researchers on a range of research activities - half undertaken jointly between LIST and the University of Luxembourg, and the rest at 24 other international universities. Prizes were given for the best poster that goes to Kishor Acharya and best presentations to Hameeda Jagalur Basheer for the materials domain and Mariem Jobrane for environmental research domain.
“As part of LIST Doctoral Training Unit, my work consists in helping PhD candidates so they can evolve within their host institution under the best possible conditions. Being part of the organisation committee and preparing this day with the LIST PhD representatives was a great experience” says Bahija Sebane (Doctoral training officer at LIST). LIST CEO concludes: “In the context of LIST PhD day 2018, the peer recognition served as a fitting end to a day highlighting the considerable doctoral talent on offer at LIST, as well as recognizing LIST’s role as a bridge between fundamental research and industry, among others”.
> Watch the post event video on Youtube and visit to see the photo album.
In Luxembourg, there is a whole team of professionals from the key research players that do their best to make PhDs’ everyday life easier. On 22 November 2018 the third National PhD Welcome Day gathered over 110 doctoral candidates from all disciplines who have recently started their doctoral studies in Luxembourg, including LIST PhD candidates.
Participants were invited to follow a series of presentations on the research landscape and structure of doctoral education in Luxembourg, then the focus was turned on scientific communication. Following an informative afternoon, they joined in some fun activities and socialising. In a relaxed atmosphere, doctoral candidates met their peers, shared expectations on their PhD, discussed their research topics and developed links that should serve to facilitate their integration into Luxembourg and the develop of their careers.
This year the event was organised by the Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER) in partnership with the University of Luxembourg, LIST, the Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH), the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for International, European and Regulatory Procedural Law, EURAXESS Luxembourg and LuxDoc, with support from the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR).
> Visit LIST PhD Candidates page in the Career section.
> Contact Bahija Sebane or Andreas Bladt for any further information on PhDs at LIST.
Picture taken by the University of Luxembourg : the whole National PhD Welcome Day participants for 2018
Picture taken by LIST: LIST PhD Day 2018