LIST and FNR welcome Singapore delegation to strengthen partnership on 3d composite printing

Published on 05/04/2017

On 29 March 2017, the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), welcomed a Singapore delegation led by Prof. Chee Kay Chua, together with Prof. Chee Yoon Yue, Assoc. Prof. Sunil C Joshi, Assoc. Prof. Lin Seng Ong, Assoc Prof. Leong Keey Seah, Assoc Prof. Domenico Campolo, Assoc. Prof. Juh Song and Senior Asst. Director Mike Goh, from the Singapore Centre for 3D Printing (SC3DP) at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) to strengthen the partnership on 3D printable composite materials.

This visit came as a follow up to meetings specifically organised in June (in Luxembourg) and November (in Singapore) last year. 

The partnership started back in April 2016, when a Luxembourg delegation visited Singapore’s SC3DP, from the Nanyang Technological University, to explore research and collaboration opportunities in 3D printable composite materials. Three months later the Singapore delegation visited LIST’s premises and agreed that LIST, with its expertise in the field of advanced polymeric materials, would work with SC3DP (NTU) to develop a new generation of 3DP technologies for composites. 

On November 2016, a MoU was signed between NTU and LIST, while on the same day another agreement was signed between Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR) and Singapore National Research Foundation (NRF), witnessed by both Prime Ministers. This last agreement has the purpose to foster science and innovative collaborations, by supporting projects, funding up to $1.25 million per project.

This recent visit was an opportunity for the Singapore delegation to meet with Dr. Fernand Reinig, CEO of LIST, Prof. Philippe Dubois, Scientific Director of the National Composite Center – Luxembourg, Dr. Marc Schiltz, Secretary General, Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR), Dr Andreea Monnat, Head of Unit Innovation Programmes of FNR, among others, to discuss future synergies and potential collaborations between the NTU – LIST partnership and the FNR – NRF agreement.

At the meeting it was agreed that NTU and LIST will submit a project proposal about the applications of composites 3DP for bio, aerospace, and automobile sector. During the meeting, FNR proposed to launch a Luxembourg Singapore bilateral call for joint PhD or Postdocs in 2017 as well as to support up to 3 PhD positions for a collaboration with SC3DP – LIST, the technicalities of this discussions are still under construction.

As a conclusion the FNR framework will help fostering the LIST-NTU collaboration while contributing to basic understanding of composites 3D printing. It will strengthen the partnership between Luxembourg and Singapore while promoting knowledge and technology among these two countries.


Picture from left to right: Prof. Lin Seng Ong, Prof. Leong Keey Seah, Prof. Chee Yoon Yue, Prof. Sunil C Joshi, Dr Vincent Berthé, Dr Henri Perrin, Prof. Juha Song, Prof. Chee Kay Chua, Dr Mike Goh, Dr. Marc Schiltz, Dr Andreea Monnat, Dr Alexander Shaplov, Dr David Ruch, Dr Hamid Makradi, Prof. Domenico Campolo, Prof. Philippe Dubois, Dr. Fernand Reinig, Dr Emmanuel Scolan, Dr Roberto Quintana. 

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