LIST and the Singapore Centre for 3D Printing have begun a new partnership on 3D composite printing

Published on 27/06/2016

A high-level Luxembourg-Singapore partnership marks yet another step towards the start of research activities and the implementation of 3D printing technology (additive manufacturing) on Luxembourg soil. LIST, with its expertise in the field of advanced and processed materials and SC3DP, world leader in additive manufacturing, will work together to develop a new generation of 3D printing technologies based on composite materials and multi-material hybrids. The collaboration would allow the emergence of new products, provide a competitive advantage for Luxembourg and represent a true asset for the transformation of the Luxembourgish and European industries.

The Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), in close collaboration with Luxinnovation and the National Research Fund (FNR), recently laid the foundations for a broad partnership with the Singapore Centre for 3D Printing (SC3DP) at Nanyang Technological University – NTU. On Tuesday 21 June 2016, less than three months after their first meeting on this topic, a common work session at the LIST premises in Belvaux allowed to prepare a common roadmap for a research and development partnership that will draw on their respective expertise in composite materials and 3D printing. This document thus underlines the determination of LIST to contribute significantly to the set-up of a national centre for additive manufacturing in Luxembourg.

Technology in the making

LIST, a research leader in including sustainable composite materials, and , the Singapore research centre internationally acclaimed for its research into 3D printing, will very soon be joining forces. Behind this merging of cutting-edge expertise lies great ambition: exploring the 3D printing capabilities of composite polymer materials. Together, they will address the current challenges for this type of printing, ranging from engineering of innovative raw materials to multifunctionality of composite materials.

A technology of the future, 3D printing of composite polymer materials is still in its infancy yet shows great innovation potential in many economic sectors. The core businesses of the aerospace, marine and offshore sectors, the biomedical and electronic sectors and the building and construction and manufacturing industries are all affected by innovations resulting from mastery of this technology. The creation of new products and related services along with new markets and business models all provide opportunities that Luxembourg intends to invest in to further develop the competitiveness of the local and European industries.

The precise terms of the partnership are shortly to be defined and developed on the occasion of an upcoming Luxembourg visit on Singapore soil.


Image from left to right: Jean-Paul Schuler (CEO, Luxinnovation), Gaston Schmit (MESR), Chee Kay Chua (Directeur, SC3P), Gabriel Crean (CEO, LIST), Marc Schiltz (Secrétaire Général, FNR)

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