LIST announces change in working relationship with Philippe Dubois

Published on 16/03/2017

The Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) would like to announce that it will be working with Philippe Dubois, Scientific Director of the National Composite Center – Luxembourg (NCC-L), in a different way in the future.

Having worked on the Center’s establishment and strategic positioning, Philippe Dubois has expressed a wish to return to his academic duties, and so will be rejoining the University of Mons on 1 September 2017. Nevertheless, he will remain in close contact with LIST and continue to act as a consultant in the field of polymers and composites as part of his new role as scientific advisor. As such, Philippe Dubois and LIST will still be able to work side-by-side to ensure the successful take-off of the NCC-L.

Philippe Dubois will retain his current duties as Scientific Director of the NCC-L and Head of the Sustainable Materials Unit (SUSMAT) until 31 August 2017.

LIST would also like to reaffirm its confidence in the bright future that lies ahead for the NCC-L, the fruit of a joint initiative by the Ministry of the Economy, Luxinnovation and LIST in the field of materials. Likewise, the fact that LIST has recently formed partnerships with a number of industrial players demonstrates the wisdom of the development model chosen by LIST, which aims to transfer technology for the benefit of the economy and quality of life in Luxembourg.

LIST would like to thank Professor Dubois for having given the NCC-L’s fledgling structure the means to become operational within a very short time, and looks forward to taking on future challenges with him in their new working relationship.

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Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)

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