MRT Director and FNR PEARL Chair Prof. Dr Jens Kreisel organised a one-day workshop on June 27th, 2017. The aim of this workshop was to identify future promising research avenues in the field of multifunctional ferroic oxides. The workshop was organised in the larger framework of the origin and understanding of coupling phenomena between different physical properties within one material, which is a central subject of materials physics. It has fascinated scientists for decades, both for their fundamental challenges and their potential for new technology applications. Both are topics of Professor Kreisel’s FNR PEARL Chair "Coupling in multifunctional ferroic materials".
The workshop was organised around keynote lectures from three international experts, who spend extended stays in LIST through the FNR-Mobility scheme. Profs Bellaiche, Gruverman & Dkhil shared their expertise and vision for the field with members of Jens Kreisel’s PEARL group from LIST and professors from the University of Luxembourg. The lively discussion and brainstorming session of the workshop highlighted the importance of two topics: the interaction of light and ferroic materials and the potential of using ferroic materials for converting different types of energy for sensing and energy harvesting.
5, avenue des Hauts-Fourneaux
L-4362 Esch-sur-Alzette