Nanomaterials are becoming more integral in today’s products, delivering faster, lighter and more energy-efficient products and processes. To facilitate globally safe development and use of these materials, existing safety assessment methods need to be adapted, and new methods developed where required. Using agreed methods worldwide for assessment of chemicals enhances trust, improves consumer safety and facilitates world trade.
NanoHarmony, an EU project which started in April, has this as a mission. Led by the Federal Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA, Germany) with 14 European partners from research, industry, regulation and public bodies, NanoHarmony focuses on OECD Test Guidelines and Guidance Documents, as they are accepted by the 37 OECD Member countries.
This EU project will extend its work to at least 25 additional associated partners including the US, Canada, South Korea, Australia and South Africa to achieve worldwide acceptance.
With proven experience in the development of methods for Nanotoxicology, as well as in the risk assessment of materials’ nanotoxicology, LIST will coordinate the technical work performed in NanoHarmony for expanding the scientific background for the support of the development of harmonized methods for characterization of nano-materials.
NanoHarmony officially started on April 1st with a virtual kick-off meeting on 20 April and, after its web-based start, it will expand to engage all interested stakeholders with workshops, webinars, publications, newsletters and project actions and results. On July 7, NanoHarmony will host its first webinar entitled “An Introduction to NanoHarmony”.
The NanoHarmony consortium invites all interested stakeholders to take part – visit the project website at for full details on target tests, the partners involved, and to become involved.