Design of new cardanol derivative: Synthesis and application as potential biobased plasticizer for poly(lactide)


F. Hassouma, I. Mihai, L. Fetzer, T. Fouquet, J. M. Raquez, A. Laachachi, H. Ibn Al Ahrach, and P. Dubois


Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, vol. 301, no. 10, pp. 1267-1278, 2017


A novel biobased plasticizer made of cardanol is designed for poly(lactide) (PLA). This cardanol-derived plasticizer, i.e., methoxylated hydroxyethyl cardanol (MeCard), is synthesized through methoxylation of the double bonds on the side chain of cardanol, and characterized by 1H NMR and mass spectrometry. The plasticization effect of MeCard on the molecular structure, morphology, thermal and mechanical properties of PLA is evaluated and compared to that of a commercial cardanol, i.e., hydroxyethyl cardanol (pCard). The plasticization efficiency of MeCard is demonstrated by a substantial decrease of the glass transition temperature and storage modulus together with a significant increase of the elongation at break as compared to neat PLA. Moreover, MeCard exhibits higher plasticization performance than pCard toward PLA. Such behavior is related to a higher miscibility and compatibility between PLA and MeCard thanks to the methoxylation of the double bonds on the side chain of cardanol as shown by SEM micrographs. 


doi: 10.1002/mame.201600190

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