Optimal design of a multilayered piezoelectric transducer based on a special unit cell homogenization method


H. Nasser, S. Porn, Y. Koutsawa, G. Giunta, and S. Belouettar


Acta Mechanica, vol. 227, no. 7, pp 1837–1847, 2016


Piezoelectric transducers with high directional-dependent response are of interest in several applications because of their ability to sense and actuate along specific directions where they can distinguish individual principal strain components. This paper presents an improved unidirectional sensor obtained using a multi-laminate piezocomposite that maximizes the electromechanical coupling factor or the piezoelectric strain constant in one direction with respect to the other directions. Furthermore, multi-laminate structures provide significant design potential by the variation of the orientation and stacking sequence of fibers to obtain the desired properties. The effective properties depend on the number of layers, the fibers orientation as well as the thickness of each layer, and they are estimated by the variational asymptotic method for unit cell homogenization. A design that guarantees maximum directional dependence in terms of piezoelectric strain constant is determined by a global optimization technique using a genetic algorithm. Layered transducers composed of several orthotropic passive layers and a single active layer are considered.



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