Physico-mechanical study of an ordinary concrete based on wood chips


W. Khelifi, R. Belouettar, S.I. Zeghina, M. Chenia, A. Daouadji, Z. Azari, and S. Belouettar


Journal of Materials and Environmental Science, vol. 7, no. 12, pp. 4489-4501, 2016


An experimental method has been carried out for analyzing the thermo-mechanical characteristics of concrete based on treated and untreated red-wood chips and concrete based on treated and untreated chips of steamed beech wood. The obtained results of experimental study for concrete characteristics confirm the superior performances of studied concrete. The treatment improves relatively wood-matrix adherence. Wood chips can upgrade the thermal-conductivity of ordinary concrete. This innovative building material, based on renewable resources, can provide a good thermal insulation.

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