Scanning-Assisted Focal Plane-Detection System for a sector-field mass spectrometer - Part-II: Experimental findings


Pureti R., Bouton O., Wirtz T., Hoang H.Q.


Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, vol. 1069, art. no. 169842, 2024


Building upon our foundational research, as detailed in Part I of the scanning-assisted focal plane-detection system (SAFPD) for sector-field mass spectrometers article series [1], this article presents the further development and implementation of the SAFPD. It emphasizes the prototype of the system, experimental setup, operational protocol, and outcomes of the preliminary experiments. These experiments particularly focus on the effects of deflector scanning frequency on the detection capability and the impact of the SAFDPS on the mass resolving power of the mass spectrometer. The results demonstrate a significant improvement in the maximum detectable count rate of the MCP-based focal plane detector, increasing it by more than tenfold while maintaining 70%–90% of the original mass resolving power. This enhancement in detection capability has several important implications: it prevents erroneous data interpretation due to MCP saturation, significantly improves the local count rate and dynamic range of MCP-based detectors and extends the operational lifespan of these detectors.



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