Symmetric versus asymmetric di-Bz monomer design: Structure-to-properties relationship


P. Verge, L. Puchot, C. Vancaeyzeele, F. Vidal, and Y. Habibi


in Advanced and Emerging Polybenzoxazine Science and Technology, H. Ishida, P. Froimowicz (Eds.), pp. 89-107, 2017


The polymerization of monofunctional benzoxazines (Bz) generally leads to low molecular weight components that are difficult to process. Difunctional benzoxazines (di-Bz) are overcoming this drawback due to the high cross-linking density of their polymerized materials. The two functional groups can be similar—leading to the class of symmetric di-Bz—or dissimilar—providing an asymmetric one. The bridging group of di-Bz is generally the main driver of the rigidity and the flexibility of the monomers, impacting the Tg of the resulting materials. The bridged lateral groups are more useful when bearing an additional functional group, which is mainly used to further cross-link the benzoxazine network. This chapter covers the relationship between the chemical structure and the thermal properties of di-BZ monomers, and their corresponding polybenzoxazine materials. Afterwards, the current strategies to yield asymmetric di-Bz are detailed, evidencing the relevancy of this approach. More particularly, the development of an asymmetric bio-based di-benzoxazine is highlighted.



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