Treatment of glycine and proline in late Ar-O2 afterglow


A. V. Nominé, M. Mafra, G. Frache, and T. Belmonte


Plasma Processes and Polymers, vol. 12, no. 12, pp. 1459-1469, 2015


Glycine and proline have been treated in Ar-O2 afterglows at low temperature to study their modification in highly reactive non-equilibrium media. These two amino-acids can be efficiently etched in suited conditions. In the case of glycine, O(3P) is the main reactive species responsible for the etching mechanism. It reacts preferentially with the _CH2_ group instead of the amine group _NH2. Further oxidation processes are observed but they are not rate-limiting. Etching of proline is a multi-step process, probably initiated by O(3P) and then followed by reactions which control the etch-rate, the opening of the non-aromatic ring of proline being a probable route.


doi: 10.1002/ppap.201500126

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