Legal text analytics or how law meets Artificial Intelligence : opportunities and challenges
On 23 May 2018, as part of its activities in Business Analytics and Regulatory Compliance, LIST hosted a keynote on advanced analytics and legal cognitive systems.
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ICT Spring and Space Forum 2018: FinTech, Digitisation and Space
At the 2018 ICT Spring Conference, LIST presented its activities and results in the domains of space, FinTech and digitisation.
Latest national microbiology research revealed
LIST took part in the scientific discussions on the latest research in microbiology initiated during the second edition of the "Luxembourg Microbiology Day" hosted at its premises.
LIST duo set for NASA challenge
Two LIST researchers specialised in Environmental Research and Technologies (ERIN) have been selected to take part in the NASA Frontier Development Lab (FDL) this year.
LIST Tech Day 2018: Innovation "Made in Luxembourg"
At its first LIST Tech Day, the institute is presenting projects ranging from nanotechnology to nail varnish on 21/06/2018.
L’effet électrocalorique à l’honneur dans Nature Communications
Des résultats de recherche portant sur l’efficacité de l’effet électrocalorique et menée dans le cadre du projet Co-Fermat ont été publiés dans Nature Communications.
Biotechnologies and circular economy: when the Finnish and Luxembourgish RTOs meet
On 2-3 May 2018, LIST welcomed a delegation of VTT Technical Centre of Finland Ltd (VTT): together with LIST’s researchers, they participated in the LIST-VTT workshop on biotechnologies and circular (...)
First edition of LIST Quarterly – Luxembourg’s Tech Knowledge
LIST is pleased to announce the launch of the first edition of its digital newsletter : LIST Quarterly – Luxembourg’s Tech Knowledge.
Luxembourg in the vanguard of the 21st century space race
LIST is committed to deepening its collaboration with high-tech businesses in the Grand Duchy and to further development of its portfolio of space-related patents.
LIST TECH DAY 2018 – Towards building new partnerships
On 21/06/2018, LIST will organise its first TECHNOLOGY DAY at the Halle des Poches à Fonte (Belval-LU). LIST Tech Day aims at highlighting Luxembourg's growing power of innovation by presenting new (...)
Collaboration with young start-up Lenster Smart Technologies successfully completed
LIST's scientists worked on improving insurance contracts with Blockchain technology
LIST among asteroid science players in Luxembourg
Mid-April 2018, LIST came together with Asteroid entrepreneurs and researcher at the second edition of the ASIME conference 2018 (Asteroid Science Intersections with In-Space Mine Engineering).