Over the summer, the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) is publishing a series of bite-sized highlights from “New Horizons”, the Institute’s Annual Report 2017.
In certain areas, our research work focuses on the latest technologies, such as mobile applications, the cloud, and the blockchain, as well as on connected monitoring station networks. We want to change the way that we all, businesses, administrations and citizens, experience and see our world. For this, we are working on research projects that transform technologies into decision-making powers for the citizens of tomorrow.
With the European MUV project, we commit more precisely to putting in place an optimal use of technologies to contribute to local planning and decision-making processes as part of sustainable energy development in the urban environment. Our ambition is to incite citizens to change their behaviour when they make trips. In this way, we hope to encourage people to adopt more sustainable and healthier lifestyles, thanks to a set of high-performing technological systems.
As part of the European CrossCult project, we cross-check substantial amounts of information in time and space, whether between nations, eras or collections of one or several cultural and heritage institutions (museums, historic buildings, etc.) in order to confront and analyse the points of view of European citizens concerning their own history. With CrossCult, we hope that the contribution of innovative ITC technologies will stimulate a change in the way European citizens understand History. In particular, we have developed a smart city application aiming to disseminate cultural heritage thanks to new technologies and help people to better understand, consider and debate culture and national and European history.
> This article originally featured in the “Improve quality of life in a fast-changing society” section of the report. The Institute invites you to read the report in full online: LIST Annual Report 2017 available in Downloads menu.
> The next article to be published on list.lu will be: “Augmented reality as a form of education”.
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