Over the summer, the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) is publishing a series of bite-sized highlights from “New Horizons”, the Institute’s Annual Report 2017.
In our connected world, we all leave considerable amounts of data in our wake. These data contain a lot of important information, which, when analysed and used correctly, allow businesses to remain competitive and even to win shares of the market. Data analysis technologies, which combine several analysis tools from the areas of operational research, artificial intelligence, and business intelligence, among others, play a crucial role for economic development. To this end, it is essential for us to accompany Luxembourgish businesses in this central issue and thus guarantee national competitiveness.
As part of the FEDER-DAP project, we are developing an efficient data analysis platform. At the cutting-edge of technology, this facility, unique in Luxembourg, will integrate a high-performing calculation system and high-level data analysis capabilities. It is our ambition that in the near future, businesses and industries will be able to benefit from the latest existing online analysis technologies that meet their needs to use, improve and predict operations and possibly even design new related commercial offerings.
> This article originally featured in the “Create an economic impact with new technologies” section of the report.
> The Institute invites you to read the report in full online.
> The next article to be published on list.lu will be featured in “Train the next generation of world-renowned researchers” section of the report, and is entitled “Build one of the best hydroclimatological observatories in the World”.
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L-4362 Esch-sur-Alzette