In the framework of the European AskREACH project aiming to help consumers and businesses apply the “right to know” to substances of very high concern (SVHC) present in consumer articles via innovative IT tools, the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology and its partners would like to obtain the opinions of businesses. After an initial questionnaire aiming to find out the opinion of consumers on chemicals present in different types of articles, which recently came to an end, LIST and its partners are now turning towards businesses.
Partners of the AskREACH project need to know how businesses treat the presence of chemicals in the articles they produce. This enquiry is carried out with businesses in partner countries of the project and the views not only of manufacturers, but also of traders and importers, are important.
The questionnaire takes under 15 minutes to complete and includes questions on environmental, regulatory and economic topics. It is available in 3 languages and the answers collected, which will be used anonymously and exclusively for the needs of the project, will help the project actors in the successful pursuit of their project.
Carried out in the 13 partner countries of the project, including Luxembourg, this questionnaire is available until 1 October 2018.
The AskREACH project, funded by the European Union Life+ programme, intends to bring concrete and simple solutions to help businesses fulfil their obligation to communicate information relating to the presence of SVHCs in their articles to consumers.
This obligation is stipulated in Article 33 of the European REACH regulation concerning the documenting, evaluation and authorization of chemicals. It is exactly this point that is the focus of the European AskREACH project, whose ambition it is to make a database available to article suppliers and a related smartphone application to consumers.
> To find out more about the project, please see the project web page.
For Luxembourgish businesses confronted with applying the obligations contained in the REACH regulation, LIST is the national point of contact to obtain assistance. Indeed, LIST manages the Helpdesk REACH&CLP Luxembourg, the national technical assistance service advising businesses on their obligations in the framework of the implementation not only of the REACH regulation but also of that relating to the classification, labelling and packaging (CLP) of substances and blends.
By contacting the Helpdesk REACH&CLP Luxembourg, businesses can not only obtain informative documents and participate in information sessions concerning the regulations, but also address all requests relating to the implementation of related obligations in their businesses.