As an active partner of the CrossCult H2020 project, LIST participated in the consortium general meeting in Madrid at the premises of its industrial partner GVAM on 12-14 June 2017.
This meeting was a follow-up to the review of the project by the European Commission which notably highlighted the quality of the first six deliverables so far, stating that "the work done has been extensive and the results for the first period are well evident and clearly presented."
CrossCult is a 3-year H2020 project that aims to promote the use of technologies to improve the experience of visits to cultural and historical sites, thus helping to better understand and reinterpret our history. LIST is coordinating the project and has brought together more than ten European partners (universities, research centres, cultural centres, etc.) in Spain, Greece, the UK, Malta, France, Italy and Luxembourg.
LIST’s expertise in successfully overseeing the project, deliverables and deadlines was recognized by the European Commission, which also welcomed the commitment of the entire consortium to the project activities.
During the three-day consortium meeting in Madrid, the main project players worked on the roadmap and plan of action for the coming year.
The second year of the project will focus on the implementation, testing and evaluation of the CrossCult technologies as part of four pilot activities. The pilots activities which will take place in different famous sites across Europe, such as the National Gallery in London, the ancient theater of Epidaurus, multiple Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and Greek small museums, as well as in multiple cities.
One of the project pilots is specifically designed to run in parallel in two European capitals: Luxembourg City and Valletta, in Malta. The aim of this field experiment is to create an interactive map of the centre of the two cities, which will allow tourists and residents to make their way to cultural points of interest in these cities while reflecting on the contemporary topic of migration, making analogies and comparisons between migration flows in Malta in the 16th century and in Luxembourg from the end of the 19th century to this day.
The testing in Luxembourg is in preparation from July 2017, in collaboration with the University of Luxembourg and the City of Luxembourg. A selection of participants will be able to test the city navigation, cultural content and cultural game in real conditions. They will be able to put themselves into the shoes of a tourist or resident visiting the city centre and discover points of cultural and historical interest while at the same time having fun.
> For any further information, visit and contact the project at For specific information regarding the project, contact directly Ioanna Lykourentzou, Yannick Naudet or Luc Vandenabeele via email.