EU4PhD researchers without borders

Published on 13/12/2017

The Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) participated in the event #EU4PhD "Researchers without borders" that was held on 11-12 December 2017 in Paris (FR) and organized by the Bernard Gregory Association (ABG), the French-German University (UFA) and the French-Italian University (UFI).

This conference gathered more than a hundred of participants and was dedicated to researchers' mobility and career development in Europe. LIST was represented by Dr. Sylvie Fromentin, Program Manager of the Goodyear / LIST partnership program. In the framework of the ongoing collaboration with Goodyear, a state-of-the art of the common project was presented to the audience.

Together with LIST’s industrial partner Goodyear represented by Dr. Benoit Duez, External Exploration Concept Leader, Sylvie made an oral presentation on Day2 during plenary session entitled "Public-private partnerships as a starting point for researchers‘ career development". They both introduced how PhD candidates bring innovation to industry in partnership with research organization. Goodyear and LIST cooperate to bring full training programme to their early-stage researchers. In this context, the first training session on programme management was given on 7 December to all Goodyear’s and LIST’s employees involved in the collaboration.

LIST and Goodyear teams will be recruiting again next year PhD and Post Doc profiles. To stay up-to-date with LIST’s job offers, visit or subscribe to RSS feeds.

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Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)

5, avenue des Hauts-Fourneaux
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