For the 3rd edition of the 'Fête des Hauts-Fourneaux' in Belval, LIST opened the doors of its technology Showroom to the general public for the first time on Sunday 3 July 2016. Inaugurated last September, this concentration of innovations "Made in Luxembourg" is a showcase of technologies developed by LIST with its industrial partners in collaboration with Luxinnovation, the national agency for the promotion of innovation and research.
More than 170 people came to discover the Showroom for a 30-40 minute tour specially devised for the occasion. The visitors were able to see for themselves what LIST is capable of doing and how its research and innovations impact the economy and society.
After the tour, visitors were invited to participate in a little quiz to test their newly acquired knowledge and had the chance to win an iPad.
And the lucky winner is ... Linda Neri, to whom we extend our congratulations!
> To discover or rediscover the LIST Technology Showroom, we invite you to the 11th edition of the 'Journées Portes Ouvertes Luxembourgeoises' on 18 September!
Below some pictures of the event:
5, avenue des Hauts-Fourneaux
L-4362 Esch-sur-Alzette