In the framework of the framework agreement on sustainable mobility and materials of the future signed between Goodyear and LIST at the end of 2016, all of the players involved have met together for the first time on 27 and 29 September 2017 for the “First On-boarding Seminar” that was held at the Goodyear premises in Colmar-Berg.
More than 50 LIST staff, including 13 PhDs and Post Docs, took part in the event together with a dozen researchers and project leaders from Goodyear. The programme was particularly intensive. After the welcome and the customary more general presentations, the research programmes foreseen in the framework agreement were reviewed on September 27th, before a visit to the physics and chemical laboratories of the industrial partner.
LIST researchers went into more detail on September 29th, with several specific presentations on tyres, from the materials used to manufacturing. The afternoon ended with a visit of the Colmar-Berg factory. The two working days work provided time for the presentations. Research will expand in the coming weeks.
On Friday, 22 September, Goodyear's new Global Materials Director Eric Mizner visited LIST’s Belvaux site for an information meeting on the progress of the various collaborative projects in the field of science and materials technology. Read the related news.
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L-4362 Esch-sur-Alzette