His Royal Highness The Grand Duke and three Ministers hail LIST’s impact on environmental challenges

Published on 03/07/2017

LIST participated in the Ettelbruck fair from Friday 30 June to Sunday 2 July.

It was the occasion to showcase our expertise in environmental issues at the biggest event regarding agriculture and the green industry in the country.

In a time when the government has decided to launch a full blown effort to implement the circular economy approach at the national level, LIST’s presence and its offer were warmly appreciated.

On Saturday 1 July, our stand received visits from Ministers for the Environment Carole Dieschbourg, Minister for Agriculture, Viticulture and Consumers' Protection Fernand Etgen, as well as Minister for Higher Education and Research Marc Hansen. ERIN department director Prof. Dr. Lucien Hoffmann presented them LIST’s activities in the environmental field.

Carole Dieschbourg said that "we need the cooperation with innovation players like LIST, because they provide technological answers for our many great challenges like biodiversity, like circular economy, like climate change. In this sense we want to continue and further develop our very good relationship with this important research actor."

LIST was also graced with a surprise visit of His Royal Highness the Grand Duke Henri.

This all strengthens LIST’s ambition of contributing to a better quality of life in Luxembourg.

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Prof. Dr Lucien HOFFMANN
Prof. Dr Lucien HOFFMANN

Director of Environmental Research and Innovation department

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