The Luxembourg Institute for Science and Technology (LIST) is pleased to announce the publication of its annual report 2016.
LIST is a Research and Technology Organisation (RTO) active in the fields of materials, environment as well as information and communication technologies (ICT). By transferring technology to the company as well as to local companies, LIST contributes greatly to the building of tomorrow’s Luxembourg.
LIST develops innovative and competitive solutions in response to the key needs of Luxembourgish, European and international companies. The institute thus plays a key role in strengthening Luxembourg’s economy. LIST’s goals are of general interest and their achievement proves to be of public utility.
Together with all the players in the research and innovation community, including the University of Luxembourg and Luxinnovation, LIST brings its innovation portfolio to strengthen the coherence and attractiveness of the Luxembourgish package and help lure companies. The collaborations launched in 2016 with the big names of the industry based in Luxembourg stand as evidence of it.
As part of an agreement prepared in 2016, SES and LIST will cooperate, through their international network of research partners with a unique expertise in satellite communications (SATCOM), to transform the results of basic research into applications.
Similarly, following the most ambitious research agreement ever signed in Luxembourg, LIST researchers and Goodyear engineers will concentrate on developing more environmentally-friendly tires in terms of materials used, enhancing their performance and related manufacturing processes.
It should also be noted that LIST researchers are joining NASA Ames Research Center experts as part of a major project supported by the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR): the MS-SPACE project.
At the heart of it lies a common ambition, the result of deep discussions between the American institution and LIST: adapting and pursuing the development of mass spectrometry technology developed by our experts for space applications in recent years.
Aixtron, Enovos, Roquette, Rotarex, PM-International and Zeiss are other big names who have chosen to use LIST expertise in 2016.
Through its Smart Cities, Smart Space, Smart Finance and Smart Manufacturing programs, LIST aims to provide solutions that respond directly to user experience and match socioeconomic needs. Developing research with an impact: this is the ambition nurturing the prospective, planning, implementation and dissemination of the solutions developed within the framework of our programs.
Projects carried out with research and innovation players in Luxembourg and around the world
LIST created the National Composite Center - Luxembourg (NCC-L) with the support of Luxinnovation and the Ministry of Economy. This technological platform is the pooling by Luxembourg's private and public players of their resources and expertise in composites. Composites are used automotive, aerospace, electronics, telephony, sports and medicine.
In addition, the Luxembourg government, supported by LIST and Luxinnovation, has launched an "Important Project of Common European Interest" (ICPEI) with Germany, Spain, France and Italy to build Europe’s capacity in high-performance intensive computing. The institute's skills in data analytics will reinforce this supercomputer in due time.
Let us also mention the combination of advanced skills between LIST and SC3DP, Singapore's internationally recognized research center for 3D printing. Behind this collaboration lies a great ambition: to explore the 3D printing capacities of composite polymer materials.
An agreement with the renowned Finnish RTO was also signed in 2016, and a spin-off specializing in precision farming, Agroptimize, was created.
In 2016, patent applications increased by 20% compared to the previous year. LIST researchers published 207 scientific papers with an impact factor equal to or greater than two in international journals and conference proceedings. Some publications have been particularly distinguished. In addition, in 2016, LIST supervised 72 doctoral students. 21 of them successfully defended their thesis during this year. All of these indicators, which are part of the Performance Contract between the institute and the State, are favorable. The milestones laid down in 2016 therefore let us envision LIST’s future in an optimistic manner.
> Download the Annual Report 2016 in French (PDF, 3 MO) or find it on the Institute page.
> The English version will be available soon.
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L-4362 Esch-sur-Alzette