LIST Cognitive Environments in the spotlight

Published on 25/02/2019

The Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) welcomed a delegation from the University of Mons (BE) at the Maison de l’Innovation in Luxembourg-Belval on 14 February 2019. The objective of this one-day workshop was to present LIST activities in IT for Innovative Services (ITIS) with a focus on cognitive environments and to explore collaboration opportunities.

Cognitive environments at LIST

Developing applied research and innovation activities in the field of Human-Centred Computing, the Human Dynamics in Cognitive Environments unit supervised by Thibaud Latour offers to its partners a digital infrastructure with its cognitive environment lab. Cognitive Environments (also called Intelligent Spaces) are physical spaces, including the objects that populate them, that interact seamlessly with users to enhance their performance and experience. They gather a wide range of technologies ranging from:

  • indoor and outdoor geo-location,
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) for behaviour analytics,
  • multimodal and multiuser Natural User Interaction, cooperative devices,
  • data visualisation and knowledge representation techniques,
  • embedded electronics, Internet of Things (IoT) protocols,
  • psychology and psychometrics,
  • technology-based learning and assessment, collaboration processes.

The Cognitive Environment Lab enables to physically reproduce environments for multi-user tasks such as design, decision-making and problem-solving among others. It can be transformed into spaces such as office place or living room and provides cooperative devices such as tangible and multi-touch tabletops, Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality, wearables, etc. To follow the user dynamics, the Lab is equipped with cameras (IR, depth and visible), microphones, sound, 360°projections, lighting, sensors and actuators. To enable fast and easy device prototyping, the lab also includes a maker workshop with electronics workbench, 3D printers, vinyl cutters together with crafting and prototyping capacities.

A look back at the workshop

In this context, Thibaud Latour and his research team welcomed the delegation of the University of Mons that was composed of professors and researchers from three research institutes working on Complex systems (Complexys), information technologies and computer science (inforTech), and New Media Art Technologies (numediart). This event was planned following the invitation of M. Latour at numediart in 2018.

During the workshop, a series of presentations covered the various activities of the institutes in the field of data analytics, information and signal processing, modelling, simulation, design & optimization of hardware and software systems, IoT, Multimedia & AI. The second part of the workshop was dedicated to Parametric modelling within Immersive Environments and mathematical modelling for Smart Cities and Urban Planning. The presentation also introduced interactive technologies embedded in interactive spaces with a special focus on art and creative technologies, in connection with the Mons FabLab and the Click’Living Lab.

In the afternoon, the delegation visited the Cognitive Environment Lab. LIST new CEO Thomas Kallstenius joined the group to attend the demonstration of several project results in relationship with the Cognitive Environment Lab. The visit ended with an immersive virtual visit of the Belval site to discover and react on the history of immigration in Luxembourg using a mobile application, as part of the assets developed in the H2020-Crosscult project.

> Discover the photo album of the event.

> For any further information on this topic, please contact Thibaud Latour via email.

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Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)

5, avenue des Hauts-Fourneaux
L-4362 Esch-sur-Alzette

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