MAESTRO and CrossCult presented at AAL forum 2017

Published on 23/10/2017

On 2-4 October 2017, the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) participated in the 9th Active and Assisted Living (AAL) Forum in Coimbra (PT), providing a welcome opportunity to highlight two LIST's research projects: CrossCult and Maestro

About LIST's participation in AAL2017

Experts from our department specialised in Information Technologies (ITIS) represented the institute and participated in two workshops. 

Focus on CrossCult

On 3 October, Christoph Stahl organised a 90-minute workshop session at the forum on "Mobility Solutions – current research projects and how they enhance their impact". The workshop aimed at presenting current research activities on navigational aid and mobility assistance, focusing on systems that address the special needs of elderly persons. Christoph invited contributions that cover usability aspects and/or technical innovations (e.g. indoor positioning, mapping, routing) and highlight methodologies, such as user integration, adopted to increase their impact.

Among the invited speakers, Thibaud Latour gave a talk on enhancing experience in cultural venues. He mentioned the indoor positioning and wayfinding component currently being developed in the framework of the H2020 project CrossCult for its pilot at the National Gallery in London.

Focus on Maestro

On 4 October, Marie-Laure Watrinet presented MAESTRO project during the workshop entitled “Building trust and confidence in the performance of the AAL Marketplace”. She explained that the Maestro project aims at building-up, testing and disseminating in a broad European context, through an open platform, a dynamic Reference Framework concerning monitoring and self-monitoring devices. The output will be a documented usage framework, using for example models, maps and supportive indications as well as tools for any user to post comments and share information with any other user.

The discussions on Maestro addressed the challenge of increasing AAL adoption with a focus on product and service assessment traceable forms of quality assurance.

About the AAL Forum

The AAL Forum is Europe's premier event in the field of active ageing, this year showing off an array of impressive technology under the theme of “Bridging the gaps between technology and active ageing. What can YOU do?”. The event allowed speakers and participants to explore how AAL technology and solutions in Europe acknowledge and overcome obstacles between progressive everyday technology and human connections and social interactions.


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Dr Christoph STAHL
Dr Christoph STAHL
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 Marie-Laure WATRINET
Marie-Laure WATRINET
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