Quebec's Government Office in Brussels pays visit to LIST

Published on 31/05/2018

On  May 30th, 2018, the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) welcomed a delegation from Quebec's Government Office in Brussels in its premises at the Maison de l’Innovation.

The delegation was headed by M. Rémy Quirion, Chief Scientist of Québec, M. Michel Audet, Delegate General of Québec to Brussels and Ms. Stéphanie Franssen, bilateral attachée of the Brussels office. LIST’s Canadian visitors had the opportunity to discover the Technology Showroom providing a quick overview of the technologies that LIST is developing. Dr. Aziz Zenasni, LIST's Director of Programmes, gave an in-depth presentation of Luxembourg's biggest RTO by focussing on its activities and its strategic positioning in the European research and innovation context. This was followed by a presentation held by LIST's AI expert Dr. Marco Da Silveira and a 10-minute showcase of LIST's development of digital applications based on, or supported by, Artificial Intelligence (AI), made by LIST Lead Engineer Luc Vandenabeele.

A number of subtopics were discussed as potential domains in which LIST and Quebec's innovation stakeholders could collaborate. As a result, participants confirmed their interest in reinforcing synergies in areas such as nanomaterials, optics and photonics, space technologies and artificial intelligence.

Prior to their visit to Belval, the delegation around Chief Scientist Rémi Quition stopped at the Chamber of Commerce to participate in a special Luxembourg-Quebec seminar on Artifical Intelligence, widely regarded as the key driver in unleashing the next wave of digital disruption. Both Luxembourg and Quebec are currently promoting the development on AI to maximize the benefit of this transformation. In this context, M. Quirion emphasized the recent billion-dollar investment in a new Canadian institute (SCALE.IA) in Quebec, fully dedicated to the scale-up of Artificial Intelligence and to roll out strategic development in the co-integration of physical and digital technologies.

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