Research on advanced visualisation techniques

Published on 30/10/2017

On 18-20 October 2017, the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) welcomed the 2nd annual consortium meeting of the BLIZAAR “Hybrid Visualization of Dynamic Multilayer Graphs” research project.

BLIZAAR is a collaborative research project on advanced visualization techniques aiming to design novel methods and software for the exploratory analysis of dynamic multilayer networks. The project is jointly funded by Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR) and its French counterpart ANR as part of the agencies’ call for bilateral projects.

The project consortium includes LIST and the Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique (LaBRI), the two national project leads, as well as the Ecole Internationale des Sciences du Traitement de l’Information (EISTI), and the University of Luxembourg.

This year’s plenary meeting was the occasion to review a rich set of data visualization methods and tools developed by the project partners, and to discuss their applicability in the areas of systems biology and digital cultural heritage, with Luxembourg-based researchers at LIST and the University of Luxembourg respectively. Not only have LIST researchers developed their own multilayer network visualization components, they have also been driving the design of a shared software architecture facilitating the integration into a common software of the visual and analytical components developed by the partners, as well as providing biological data and expertise. In the next few months, the project will contribute two state of the art software applications that address fundamental challenges in the exploration of complex networks, challenges which are faced by both biology and digital humanities researchers.

> For any further information about BLIZAAR, contact the project manager, Dr Mohammad Ghoniem, via email. 

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Dr Mohammad GHONIEM
Dr Mohammad GHONIEM
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